Ingleburn High School

Your School, Your Future

Telephone02 9605 6165

All My Own Work


In the latter part of Term 4 all Year 10 students undertake a series of 5 modules that make up the mandatory "All My Own Work" component of Stage 6 enrolment with the Board of Studies.


All the information you require to successfully complete All My Own Work is found by clicking the link below:

Ingleburn High School - All My Own Work


Students undertake the modules via 5 online, self-marking quizzes. These records are kept for 12 months after the completion of this cohort's HSC.


At any time throughout Years 11 and 12 students can access the All My Own Work modules to refresh themselves on topics such as Scholarship Principles and PracticesAcknowledging SourcesPlagiarismCopyright and Working with others.

Board of Studies information on All My Own Work: