Ingleburn High School

Your School, Your Future

Telephone02 9605 6165


“Creativity takes courage.” Henry Matisse 

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." – Victor Hugo

"The stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life." – Oscar Wilde


CAPA (Creative And Performing Arts) is the study of Music, Art and Drama by utilising creativity in a multifaceted approach to the whole student. Each Creative And Performing Arts subject contributes to the students holistic development, including the participation of the mind, body and spirit, along with the use of the mind. The CAPA faculty draws on the knowledge and expertise of professional practitioners to expand the narrative of creativity in the use of both theory and practical aspects of our courses.

Our students have an everyday relationship with the creative and performing arts, as classroom activities are complemented by day-to-day interactions such as regular on-campus performances, Sculpture Walk and art galleries. Additionally, the study of music’s forms, styles and ideas encourages Students to develop an interest in, appreciation of and enjoyment of music and its history.

Furthermore, the study of Visual Arts enables students to develop an interest in and enjoyment of investigating the world through the ideas, aesthetic and contexts of artists and their work in a broad range of forms, media and styles.


  • To immerse students in a fundamental practical program of the creative arts.
  • To engage students in a broad range of opportunities and experiences.
  • To unlock creative potential in a range of learning contexts.

 Course Offered

Stage 4: (Year 7 & 8)

    •    Music

    •    Visual Arts

Stage 5: (Year 9 & 10) 

    •    Music

    •    Visual Arts

    •    Visual Design

    •    Drama

Stage 6: (Year 11 & 12) 

    •    Visual Arts

    •    Music 1+2

    •    Visual Design

    •    Drama

Z Electives:

    •    Ceramics (Kiln Creations)

    •    Photography


Students at Ingleburn High School can be immersed in the Creative Arts by engaging with CAPAtunities: free, extra-curricular after school activities. Weekly we offer:

  • Dance Group
  • Art Club
  • Drama Club
  • Music Tutoring and School Band

Moreover, Creative Arts Students engage in our end of year showcase. ‘M.A.D.D. night’ is an event where we share the Music Art Dance and Drama progress and talents of our students with our stakeholders and community.


  • Two fully Equipped Art Rooms plus a Senior Arts Studio Space and Library
  • A multipurpose Music performance space, two music technology classrooms and a soundproof music studio with inbuilt digital audio workstations
  • A multipurpose mechanics workshop which is used to house and rebuild our Ingleburn High School project car.


Mr Alex Adams - Acting Head Teacher

Mr M. Garner

Mr C. Hope

Mr B. Pearce

Mr B. Unwin

Ms J. Wawrzyniak

Ms S. Zezovski