Ingleburn High School

Your School, Your Future

Telephone02 9605 6165



“Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable.” - Joseph Krutc


Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and Year 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects in Years 9 to 12.

Students use a range of tools, materials and techniques in the design process and technological experiences through theory and practical lessons.

Through the study of technology courses, students engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies. They develop solutions to identified problems and situations, and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment


  • To provide students with opportunities to become technologically literate individuals capable of developing creative solutions to identified problems and situations.
  • To engage students in design and production activities as they develop safe practices and refine skills working with varied materials and production technologies.
  • To provide opportunities to investigate problems, generate ideas and produce sustainable solutions
  • To develop skills and attitudes valued in our society and vital to Australia’s economic future

 Courses Offered

Stage 4: (Year 7 & 8)

    •    Mandatory Technology

Stage 5: (Year 9 & 10)

    •    Design & Technology

    •    Industrial Technology: Multimedia and Timber

        Access Engineering

    •    Ingleburn Café – Coffee Crew and Chef’s Crew

Stage 6: (Year 11 & 12)

    •    Industrial Technology: Multimedia Technolgies

    •    Design & Technology

    •    VET Hospitality – Food and Beverage

    •    VET Construction

 Features & Activities

  • Student-run café during select recesses and lunches
  • Catering for a variety of school and community functions including Sydney Royal Easter Show Rural Café, NSW Training Awards, St Andrew’s Principal’s Network Meetings, IHS Open Day, Meet the Teacher night, NAIDOC Week.
  • Stage 6 Major Projects


    Mrs Samantha McMurdo - Head Teacher

    Mr H. Huynh

    Mr N. Morales

    Mrs L. Musgrove

    Ms J. Silva

    Ms L. Hull - Kitchen SAO